私たちについてABOUT US
Since the Edo period,
ISEHAN has been committed to the craftsmanship of BENI (rouge).
As the oldest cosmetics manufacturer in Japan, BENI is where our company started. Through meticulous technique and artisanal skills, BENI is created by extracting 1% of the red pigment found in BENI BANA (safflower). These methods have been passed down from generation—and for 200 years, we've worked to preserve the tradition of crafting BENI.
From the golden BENI BENA, we produce mystifying iridescent BENI that's been a best kept secret. By using the purest and finest BENI BANA, we are able to achieve the sought-after glossy luster.

Staying true to our history, ISEHAN Group is the only cosmetics manufacturer that continues to produce BENI through traditional methods. Honoring the craftsmanship that has delighted people since the Edo period, we preserve the integrity of our history through our cosmetics. Generations of tradition live on through the entirety of ISEHAN Group.